World’s most expensive divorce?

Roman Abramovich, the billionaire businessman, has divorced in Russia just months after denying that his 16-year marriage was in trouble.

Roman Abramovich, the billionaire businessman, has divorced in Russia just months after denying that his 16-year marriage was in trouble.

Although no details of the settlement were disclosed, it is likely that Mrs Abramovich has secured a substantial share of the oligarch’s £11 billion fortune. Speculation was rife last year that Mrs Abramovich would be in line for a £5 billion payout.

Now Britain’s second-richest man, and the world’s eleventh wealthiest, the man behind the biggest takeover in football history began his business selling plastic ducks in Moscow. He made his fortune by exploiting postSoviet Russia’s oil and aluminium assets.

Irina Abramovich was a stewardess when she met her hubby. Now, she can buy her own airline.

Posted: Wed - March 14, 2007 at 08:21 AM