Manchester United going to Hell!

Manchester United are a Satan-worshipping football club heading for hell, according to one Christian Group.

Literally going to Hell! Well, literally, say some folks who literally believe in Hell.

Manchester United are a Satan-worshipping football club heading for hell, according to one Christian Group. Scottish Christian Party leader George Hargreaves has called for the Red Devils to repent and change their club crest.

He said: “We will urge Wayne Rooney not to honour the devil by wearing this shirt nor kiss this badge. We will urge Christians to put their money elsewhere than Manchester United and its sponsors of Satanic worship. Repent and put The Cross of Jesus Christ or at least Star of David on your shirts. Manchester can never be United under Satan. Manchester can only be United under the Christian-Jewish God.”

Figured I’d remind folks that American Fundamentalist Christians don’t have the market cornered on wingy-dingys. Sectarian belief systems usually result in True Believers so far out of touch with reality they’re laughable. Often the best way to deal with them.

Thanks, Mister Justin

Posted: Sun - March 11, 2007 at 07:51 AM