Want to attend your graduation? You’ll have to come to church!

The state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Newark public school district, saying a school’s decision to hold its graduation ceremonies in a Baptist church violated a Muslim student’s religious freedom.

The state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Newark public school district, saying a school’s decision to hold its graduation ceremonies in a Baptist church violated a Muslim student’s religious freedom.

It also violated every other students’ right to an educational process — separate from religion.

The incident violated provisions in the state constitution prohibiting public institutions from showing a preference for certain religious sects over others; compelling people to attend a place of worship; and segregating or discriminating against public school students because of their religious principles, the ACLU-NJ asserts.

The ACLU-NJ said it first complained about a West Side High School graduation at New Hope Baptist Church in 2005, but agreed not to sue when the district’s legal director made assurances that the school district would avoid holding a graduation at a religious location again.

But in 2006, graduation was again held at New Hope. And the principal at the time even told graduating students that they would get two additional tickets for family and friends to go to the graduation, provided they also attended a separate religious baccalaureate ceremony for the class at a Roman Catholic church.

If you want to get rid of constitutional principles separating church and state, there are legal means and methods. True Believers act like they’re above the law. But, it shouldn’t take an outside agency to push government into obeying the law.

Of course, the dimwits who ignore that constitutional separation will only focus on the initial complainant being Muslim. Cripes, if I lived in his neck of the woods, I’d join the suit on behalf of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Posted: Thu - March 8, 2007 at 11:11 AM