Army censoring news coverage of civilians killed in Afghanistan

The Associated Press is to complain to the US military after journalists said US soldiers deleted footage of the aftermath of an attack in Afghanistan.

The Associated Press is to complain to the US military after journalists said US soldiers deleted footage of the aftermath of an attack in Afghanistan.

President Hamid Karzai said 10 people died when coalition forces opened fire on civilians after a suicide attack in eastern Nangarhar province on Sunday.

Journalists working for AP said US troops erased images of a vehicle in which three people had been shot dead.

Khanwali Kamran, a reporter for the Afghan channel Ariana Television, said the American soldiers also deleted his footage, AP reported. “They warned me that if it is aired … then, ‘You will face problems,’” Mr Kamran was quoted by the news agency as saying.

US military spokesman Lt Col David Accetta said he did not have any confirmed reports that coalition forces “have been involved in confiscating cameras or deleting images”.

There are guys in the US military who can have a lifetime career denying the sun shines!

Posted: Mon - March 5, 2007 at 10:04 AM