German convicted of stealing buffet for 60 people

A jobless German has been handed a five-month suspended jail term for stealing a buffet for 60 people and eating it with friends, authorities said on Tuesday.

And this guy’s car was how big?

A jobless German has been handed a five-month suspended jail term for stealing a buffet for 60 people and eating it with friends, authorities said on Tuesday.

Using a false name, the 46-year-old from the western city of Dortmund ordered the 3,700-euro ($4,890) feast to be sent to the club house of a garden allotment colony.

Shortly after the caterers delivered the food, he called the company to say they had made a mistake and he would return the order. As puzzled club house guests looked on, he loaded the buffet into his car and sped off.

The food was never seen again — but the man was recognized one day by one of the club house guests — who told the police.

I won’t say who; but, I know someone who pulled a stunt like this here in the U.S. — and got away with it. Tee hee.

Posted: Wed - February 28, 2007 at 06:34 AM