Standoff closes Missouri university

A distraught graduate student claiming to have a bomb and anthrax sparked a police standoff in a classroom building Tuesday that shut down the University of Missouri-Rolla for several hours...

The “usual” engineering product at the Rolla campus

A distraught graduate student claiming to have a bomb and anthrax sparked a police standoff in a classroom building Tuesday that shut down the University of Missouri-Rolla for several hours, officials said. Police used a stun gun to subdue him.

Nearly two dozen people, including a faculty member and eight other students, were being decontaminated after a white, powdery substance was found.

Acting Police Chief Mark Kearse said that when police arrived, the student held up a bag and said: “This is a bomb.” He was armed with a knife and also claimed to have anthrax, Kearse said.

After the student was subdued, authorities also found a four-page note in which the student threatened to destroy the building, Kearse said.

Nice to see one of these Homeland Insecurity incidents with no one shot or blown up. Even if the dude overreacted about his grades — it doesn’t appear that anyone overreacted over his overreaction.

Thanks, Steve

Posted: Tue - February 27, 2007 at 02:39 PM