70-year-old on Caribbean cruise — kills armed bandit with his bare hands. Cripes!

An American tourist who watched as a U.S. military veteran in his 70s used his bare hands to kill an armed assailant in Costa Rica said she thought the attempted robbery was a joke — until the masked attacker held a gun to her head.

Not the guy in the story; but, you get the idea!

An American tourist who watched as a U.S. military veteran in his 70s used his bare hands to kill an armed assailant in Costa Rica said she thought the attempted robbery was a joke — until the masked attacker held a gun to her head.

“I thought it was a skit. But then he pointed the gun at my head and grabbed me by the throat and I thought I was going to die.”

Police Chief Hernandez said the American, whom he refused to identify, struggled with the robber, breaking his collarbone and eventually killing him. Police identified the dead man as Warner Segura, 20. The other two assailants fled.

Costa Rican officials interviewed the Americans, and said they wouldn’t charge the U.S. tourist with any crime because he acted in self defense. “They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up,” Hernandez said. He said Segura had previous charges against him for assaults.

Folks got back on the ship and continued on with their cruise. Just as they should.

Posted: Sat - February 24, 2007 at 06:43 AM