New Yorkers get a chance to kick Bush’s butt! Sort of.

New Yorkers got to kick President George W. Bush’s butt on Thursday, sort of.

New Yorkers got to kick President George W. Bush’s butt on Thursday, sort of.

Performance artist Mark McGowan kicked off his bid to crawl for 72 hours across Manhattan dressed as the president, offering the opportunity to kick his backside.

The controversial artist from London began his odyssey from New York’s Lincoln Centre wearing a rubber George Bush mask, a business suit, knee pads, work gloves and a sign stuck to his cushioned posterior reading simply: “Kick My Ass”.

Though few ordinary New Yorkers, other than fellow artists, cameramen and photographers, were present for the launch on a wet workday afternoon, some people gave him a kick.

“It felt real good to kick Bush,” said Casmirr Sharp, 52, of New York’s Queens borough. “He really deserves more than a kick.”

Play-therapy at its best — or worst. You decide.

Posted: Fri - February 23, 2007 at 06:16 AM