Homeland Insecurity Rule #1: Don’t know what it is? Blow it up!

SANTA FE — Catholic churchgoers received a crude disruption during one of their holiest and most somber days of the year.

Duck and cover!

SANTA FE — Catholic churchgoers received a crude disruption during one of their holiest and most somber days of the year.

Someone planted three compact-disc players in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and set them to play a loud recording of sexually explicit language during the noon Ash Wednesday Mass.

The three CD players were duct-taped to the underside of pews, Chief Johnson said, and all of them began blaring at around 12:22 p.m. as parishioners celebrated Mass.

The recordings were filled with people using foul language and “pornographic messages,” said Johnson, who declined to elaborate because the case is under investigation. He said the recordings were made on store-bought blank discs.

The Police Department sent its explosives unit — the bomb squad — to investigate the CD players. After blowing up two of the CD players in a grassy area near the church, officers determined they were not dangerous and kept the third CD player for analysis.

Of course.

Posted: Thu - February 22, 2007 at 08:50 AM