10 worst modern inventions

MOBILE phones were branded one of the worst inventions yesterday. Guns, explosives, atomic bombs and biological weapons topped the poll, disliked by 35 per cent of the 4,100 surveyed.

MOBILE phones were branded one of the worst inventions yesterday.

Guns, explosives, atomic bombs and biological weapons topped the poll, disliked by 35 per cent of the 4,100 surveyed.

The car and cigarettes got six per cent of the votes, followed by fast food and speed cameras with only three per cent. Religion was 10th in the BBC Focus magazine’s study.

Weapons 35%
Mobile Phones 17%
Nuclear Power 9%
Sinclair C5 9%
Television 9%
The Car 6%
Cigarettes 6%
Fast Food 3%
Speed Cameras 3%
Religion 2%

I wonder if we have higher percentages — in which categories — at eideard.com?

Posted: Sun - February 18, 2007 at 09:58 AM