Hillary says, “Start the withdrawal from Iraq in 90 days”

U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton…on Saturday called for the Bush administration to start withdrawing American troops from Iraq within 90 days.

U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton…on Saturday called for the Bush administration to start withdrawing American troops from Iraq within 90 days.

“Now it’s time to say the redeployment should start in 90 days or the Congress will revoke authorization for this war,” Clinton said in a video posted on her campaign Web site.

Clinton said she offered a “roadmap” in the proposed act for the United States to get out of Iraq, and proposed a cap be put on the number of troops in Iraq at the Jan. 1 level.

If President George W. Bush follows her roadmap, he could end the Iraq war before he leaves office, she said. “If George Bush doesn’t end the war before he leaves office, when I’m president, I will.”

Here’s the link to the video, Roadmap out of Iraq.

Posted: Sun - February 18, 2007 at 05:31 AM