Dollar$ overrule conservatives in Anglican church

The primates of the worldwide Anglican communion appeared…to have stepped back from moves to exclude the US Episcopal church over its liberal position towards gay people.

The primates of the worldwide Anglican communion appeared…to have stepped back from moves to exclude the US Episcopal church over its liberal position towards gay people.

A report…said the Americans had largely done everything required of them in reining back on consecrating gay bishops and expressing their regret for straining relations with other Anglicans.

The report left US conservatives fuming. Dr Kendall Harmon, canon theologian of South Carolina, said: “It’s a really poor report. It is shocking that a report like this could have been written at this stage. It’s way too soft.” Dr Phillip Aspinall, the Archbishop of Australia, deputed to speak for his fellow primates, said: “There was very intensive listening, characterised by graciousness, patience and care.”

Conservatives have been demanding that the Episcopalians be required publicly to repent their actions, or be thrown out of the 78 million worldwide church. As the Americans financially underwrite much of the communion’s activities, this would have had serious consequences.

Watching a religion discussing ethics within the context of political ideology on one hand — and the budget on the other — is always worth a chuckle.

Hey, at least these folks get to have a discussion even if it’s only among the "capos".

Posted: Fri - February 16, 2007 at 08:46 AM