Brits ignorant about sex

Nearly one in three Britons think that if a woman jumps up and down, washes or urinates immediately after sex, she can prevent pregnancy...

Nearly one in three Britons think that if a woman jumps up and down, washes or urinates immediately after sex, she can prevent pregnancy, a survey revealed Monday. It was one of a string of revelations in the survey carried out by the Family Planning Association (fpa) at the start of Contraceptive Awareness Week.

They reveal “widespread confusion and misunderstanding” about some of the basic facts, said the fpa, which has called for improved sex and relationships education in schools.

“None of us is born with the facts about sex and reproduction — we are taught them,” Anne Weyman added.

“If this doesn’t happen, myths start getting into circulation and people end up not being able to tell fact from fiction.

This is the same demographic that believes in “common sense” in politics.

Last time I saw the numbers for the U.S.A. — they were even worse.

Posted: Mon - February 12, 2007 at 10:31 AM