Hygiene gets a shot of humor

The theme of advertising for a new pregnancy-test kit, “So advanced. It’s easy,” might apply to the trend the campaign embodies.

The theme of advertising for a new pregnancy-test kit, “So advanced. It’s easy,” might apply to the trend the campaign embodies.

With an anything-goes attitude, marketers of products whose functions used to be whispered about, if discussed at all, are pulling wide the portals as they address an audience clearly comfortable with the topics at hand. Examples include feminine hygiene products, condoms, lubricants, grooming aids and products related to pregnancy and conception.

In the past year or two, several such ads have caused jaws to drop (step one) and set people to talking in disbelief (step two). Reports follow that show sales on the rise (mission accomplished).

Most recently, ads for the digital home pregnancy-test kit sold by Clearblue Easy have broken a taboo on urination in public.

In commercials…liquid that is supposed to be urine streams onto what at first looks like something out of “Star Trek.” A male voice-over announcer intones, “Introducing the most sophisticated piece of technology … you will ever pee on.”

There are more equally frank, equally funny examples in the article.

Posted: Fri - February 9, 2007 at 07:35 AM