Hells Angels given yet another chance to sue “New York’s Finest”

Lawyers for the Hells Angels are preparing to sue the city after an investigation into an attack on a woman escalated into a full-scale armed raid on their downtown headquarters.

Lawyers for the Hells Angels are preparing to sue the city after an investigation into an attack on a woman escalated into a full-scale armed raid on their downtown headquarters.

“There were snipers on the rooftops, a helicopter hovering above and the entire street was cordoned off. Hundreds of men milled about in bulletproof vests and there in the middle of them was New York City’s one and only tank. All of the post-9/11 paraphernalia was there. All the boys, all the toys and all the weaponry. They turned 3rd Street into Fallujah,” said Ron Kuby, the bikers’ long-serving lawyer.

He added: “They were doing it to create shock and awe, but all they achieved was to make a gang of hairy, scary outlaw bikers look like sympathetic characters and the victims of excessive police force. Given the Hells Angels reputation, that’s no mean feat.”

“This will be the third major suit against the city and will take the total they’ve had to pay through the $1m mark,” said Kuby. “Thanks to the police, New York City has already given every one of those guys a new motorcycle and I’ve bought a very nice house in the country. America is a wonderful place.”

When those charged with enforcing law and protecting human rights — devise on-the-spot amendments to satisfy their prejudice — even with sound history — we’re in as much danger from the cops as we are from the criminals.

Posted: Sun - February 4, 2007 at 03:54 PM