RIAA gave up on suing Patti Santangelo. Now, they’re suing her children.

After the RIAA dismissed its file sharing suit against Patti Santangelo last year, it decided to go after her children.

After the RIAA dismissed its file sharing suit against Patti Santangelo last year, it decided to go after her children. Both Michelle Santangelo, age 20, and Robert Santangelo, 16, were targeted by the RIAA after the record labels determined that they were responsible for whatever file-sharing went on in the Santangelo household.

Ms. Santangelo stood up to the RIAA and demanded they take her to trial to try to prove their claims. No RIAA file-sharing case has yet gone to trial. And her son is counter-suing the RIAA.

In its complaint against Robert Santangelo, the RIAA said that while he had testified under oath that he had not engaged in file sharing, his “former neighbor and best friend” told music industry investigators that he and Robert had downloaded a file-sharing program and used it “almost daily.”

There is no guarantee that this case will actually head to trial. If it does, it should make for quite the spectacle: the RIAA on one side, and a 16-year-old standing trial for allegedly downloading music when he was 11 years old on the other.

I’d chip in a few bucks towards the kid’s defense. It would be interesting to see how the RIAA claims hold up in a jury trial.

Posted: Thu - February 1, 2007 at 07:16 AM