Singapore Launches Contest To Build ‘Urban Warrior’ Robots

Singapore has launched a contest to build a robot that can operate autonomously in urban warfare conditions, moving in and out of buildings to search and destroy targets like a human soldier.

Singapore has launched a contest to build a robot that can operate autonomously in urban warfare conditions, moving in and out of buildings to search and destroy targets like a human soldier.

The country’s Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) said on its website it is offering one million Singapore dollars (US$ 652,000) to the developers of such a robot that completes a stipulated task in the fastest time.

“Operation in urban areas represents a significant challenge to militaries,” DSTA chief executive Richard Lim said at the launch of the contest on Tuesday. “Recent military experiences in Iraq, the Middle East and other locations have clearly illustrated these challenges.”

When you lose a robot in combat, he won’t have any relatives back home to vote out the politicians who sent him off to be killed.

Posted: Sat - January 27, 2007 at 06:59 AM