Americans think downloading copyrighted movies is no big deal

Most Americans regard the illegal downloading and distributing of Hollywood movies as something on par with minor parking offenses, according to a report issued Wednesday.

Most Americans regard the illegal downloading and distributing of Hollywood movies as something on par with minor parking offenses, according to a report issued Wednesday.

“There is a Robin Hood effect. Most people perceive celebrities and studios to be rich already and as a result don’t think of movie downloading as a big deal,” said Kaan Yigit, study director at Solutions Research Group.

The survey found that 59 percent of Americans polled considered “parking in a fire lane” a more serious offense than movie downloading.

No surprises here. More validation of the perception most have of the MPAA and their kissing cousins in the RIAA.

Posted: Fri - January 26, 2007 at 09:37 PM