Jim Cramer beats everyone with iPhone story; but –

Jim Cramer beats everyone with iPhone story; but – it turns out to be questionable.

– it turns out to be questionable.

Here’s the reporting of what Cramer said at RealMoney, et al:

Jim Cramer [the original link disappeared while I was posting this] of RealMoney outlined what AT&T/Cingular had planned for its aggressive iPhone marketing, his hint that the service contract would be “greatly reduced” piqued some interest.

Even more captivating was, then, the recap of Cramer’s notes, which claims that the AT&T call outright said that the company would be giving away service:

“In its call, the company made it very clear that it’s going to use Apple’s iPhone to get customers from Verizon Wireless by giving away its service for a year and a half to those customers who buy the phone.”

But, Eric Savitz chimes in:

The thing is, the story is a load of, uh, hooey.

I searched the transcripts of both the investor conference call yesterday with Cingular, and another today with AT&T, and neither says anything like that at all. In fact, the Street.com story is dated yesterday, and AT&T didn’t even hold its call until this morning. I also talked to Cingular spokesman Mark Siegel, who said that the company has not announced any details on service plans for iPhone users yet, and won’t do so until shortly before launch.

Maybe Cramer knows something he ain’t supposed to know — at this stage — and attributed it to the AT&T conference call. Maybe Savitz caught him in a faux-pas. Doesn’t make any of it less interesting.

Posted: Fri - January 26, 2007 at 08:39 AM