No Longevity Benefit With Growth Hormone. Side Effects — Yes!Doctors said Monday their analysis of 31
scientific papers found that human growth hormone — oft-touted as an
anti-aging wonder — does nothing to help a person live longer. However,
the papers do show that use of the expensive therapy has the potential to create
adverse side effects.
Doctors said Monday their analysis of 31 scientific papers found that human growth hormone — oft-touted as an anti-aging wonder — does nothing to help a person live longer. However, the papers do show that use of the expensive therapy has the potential to create adverse side effects. “We did find that there was substantial potential for adverse side effects,” Liu said, including such problems as joint swelling and pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and a trend toward increased new diagnoses or pre-diabetes. “You’re paying a lot of money for a therapy that may have minimal or no benefit and yet has a potential for some serious side effects,” Liu said. “You’ve got to really think about what this drug is doing for you.” “In many anti-aging clinics, growth hormone is prescribed willy-nilly off-label, without any proof that patients are better off,” Dr. Barry Horowitz told UPI. He also noted that the drug is highly expensive, and is not reimbursed for its off-label (unapproved) use. Phew! So far, I’ve managed to avoid joining that category of demented senior citizen that searches for instant cures and magic bullets. So far. Posted: Tue - January 16, 2007 at 11:44 AM |