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The possibility of British scientists creating human-animal embryos for medical research moved a step closer…

Mythic fear

We mentioned this several days ago — before the latest regulatory affirmation.

The possibility of British scientists creating human-animal embryos for medical research moved a step closer…

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the regulator for embryo research, decided that using the hybrid embryos for research into diseases such as motor neurone, Alzheimer’s and diabetes is legal under current legislation.

The HFEA met…to discuss whether it had the remit to licence and regulate the proposed research, deciding that it did have the authority to do so.

Lots of political hemming and hawing continues, of course — outside the scientific community charged with advancing the wellbeing of the nation.

Posted: Sat - January 13, 2007 at 10:06 AM