Homeland Insecurity institutes new ID card for port workers — and it's only $159!

Truck drivers, longshoremen, and mariners will have to pay up to $159 for a high-tech identity card that will grant them access to US ports.

Truck drivers, longshoremen, and mariners will have to pay up to $159 for a high-tech identity card that will grant them access to US ports.

Some workers will have to buy the cards as soon as March. But a time has not been specified for port operators and ship owners to buy the equipment that reads the cards, according to a rule announced yesterday by the Homeland Security Department.

The agencies issuing the cards, the Coast Guard and Transportation Security Administration, still have to test the card readers and decide on specifications.

The card will contain the holder’s photograph and name, an expiration date, and a serial number. An integrated circuit chip will store the holder’s fingerprint template, a PIN chosen by the individual, and unique identifying information.

“We’re going to be paying $139 to $159 and we don’t know how they work?” Stallone said.

Ultimately, as many as 6 million transportation workers in rail yards, airports, and seaports will have to buy the card to gain access to secure areas.

You’ll love the background checks required just to be eligible for the cards. The crimes you can be checked for encompass everything near and dear to politicos — including sedition.

What isn’t questioned is the bureaucratic thought process that says the appropriate paperwork will solve all problems. Just fill out all the right forms, check all the boxes, buy the latest smart card — and everything will be just dandy.

Posted: Fri - January 5, 2007 at 07:09 AM