Government watchdog turns up bogus environmental data from bureaucrats — in China!

Soaring pollution levels in China may be even worse than thought because local governments bent on economic growth are lying about their progress in meeting environmental goals, state media said Thursday.

Where in China is that? Bakersfield?

Soaring pollution levels in China may be even worse than thought because local governments bent on economic growth are lying about their progress in meeting environmental goals, state media said Thursday.

“The figures on pollution control reported by local governments dropped remarkably this year, while the real environmental situation continues to deteriorate,” said the unnamed official with the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).

“The inaccurate figures were caused by insufficient supervision of the local governments and possible fabrication.”

The official’s comments mark the latest in a series of alarms by SEPA, which has said central-government efforts to curb the environmental damage from China’s chugging economy are being overwhelmed by the local pursuit of economic growth at any cost.

Aren’t we fortunate we already have this kind of federal oversight in the U.S.? No worries at all about bureaucrats or politicians lying to the public about environmental questions, military issues, corruption…whatever?

Posted: Fri - December 29, 2006 at 01:44 PM