US Army Wants new authority To Send Reserve Forces Back To Iraq

Strapped for soldiers, the U.S. Army wants new authority to send National Guard and Reserve soldiers back to Iraq for repeat deployments, even those who have already served the maximum time allowed by the Pentagon.

Strapped for soldiers, the U.S. Army wants new authority to send National Guard and Reserve soldiers back to Iraq for repeat deployments, even those who have already served the maximum time allowed by the Pentagon.

A national commission looking at National Guard and Reserve issues will decide in March whether to endorse the Army’s plan, a change that could affect the 522,000 citizen-soldiers in the Army National Guard and Reserve, and more broadly the 800,000 reservists serving in all the military services.

More than 650,000 soldiers have served in the Iraq war since it began, with 185,000 of them from the National Guard. At one point in 2004, more than 60 percent of the soldiers in Iraq were Guard soldiers.

A final report is due January 2008 but the commission will weigh in with an interim report on March 1 addressing 15 issues that affect the reserves, the volunteer mobilization policy chief among them.

So far, the Yogi Berra guidelines decide what Congress does — “it ain’t over till it’s over”?

Anyone here confident the “new” Congress will weigh in on the side of the folks who elected them and confront the White House over extending the war in Iraq?

Posted: Fri - December 29, 2006 at 07:26 AM