An ordinary “Joe Blow” keeps track of Iraq war dead

When Michael White, a self-described “Joe Blow off the block,” set up a Web site to track U.S. casualties in Iraq he never imagined it would become a leading resource on the subject.

When Michael White, a self-described “Joe Blow off the block,” set up a Web site to track U.S. casualties in Iraq he never imagined it would become a leading resource on the subject.

But his “Iraq Coalition Casualty” site, which keeps a log of the dead and wounded among the military and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, gets a million hits a day on peak days and at least four million hits a month, White said.

I-Casualties has also started tracking Iraqi civilian and military deaths, relying largely on media reports since the U.S. government says it keeps no record of civilian casualties.

White says he receives mail from military families who praise the site’s reliability, but he has also been attacked by those who see it as unpatriotic.

Now, who would attack a site like this as unpatriotic?

Posted: Fri - December 29, 2006 at 05:38 AM