Repentant thief returns booty -- well, most of it!

A repentant thief who stole 3,000 euros ($4,000) from a German post office on Christmas Eve returned most of the loot a few hours later -- but kept 1,000 euros for himself

A repentant thief who stole 3,000 euros ($4,000) from a German post office on Christmas Eve returned most of the loot a few hours later -- but kept 1,000 euros for himself, police in Bavaria said.

The thief with a guilty conscience called police in the Bavarian town of Maroldswiesach to apologize, saying he "made a stupid mistake" and then said he had put the money in an envelope at a local church.

"Why his conscience was not bad enough to move him to return the whole 3,000 euros is not known," a police spokesman said after 2,000 euros was retrieved in the envelope.

A little guilty is like being a little pregnant.

Posted: Tue - December 26, 2006 at 02:46 PM