Muslims forced to lift veil at airports

Veiled women will be forced to reveal their identities at UK airports under a government plan to tighten security...

Veiled women will be forced to reveal their identities at UK airports under a government plan to tighten security, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.

Home Office insiders last night confirmed that immigration officials will be ordered to impose their legal right to lift the veils of passengers after it emerged a suspected police killer may have escaped the UK dressed as a Muslim woman.

It subsequently emerged that immigration staff are legally entitled to ask any female passenger to lift her veil to verify her identity against passport photographs. But officers usually wave passengers through because they do not have the time to check everyone.

“Where they don’t do it, I suspect it is more often to do with a lack of suspicion than lax procedures or overwork. But we recognise that this sort of thing should be the rule, not the exception.”

As well as I’ve been able to determine, this is also the rule in the United States. Of course, with the TSA and Homeland Insecurity running the show, do you think there may be a little “inconsistency”?

Posted: Sun - December 24, 2006 at 09:54 AM