Freedom Tower’s wrong-way flag removed

An American flag plastered on the first steel column for the Freedom Tower at ground zero was removed Wednesday after the builders realized the stars and stripes were on the wrong side.

An American flag plastered on the first steel column for the Freedom Tower at ground zero was removed Wednesday after the builders realized the stars and stripes were on the wrong side.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey removed the decal on the 31-foot column after the media questioned the display, with the 50 stars on the right side instead of the left.

“When it’s laying down, it’s correct,” said Bill Dolphin, 73, of Ocala, Florida. “When it gets lifted up into the air, the blue field should be on the other side.”

Federal flag code requires that, whether displayed horizontally or vertically, the blue field displaying 50 stars is always on the left side to the viewer.

The replacement decal was put in place, yesterday morning.

I wonder how many lives were improved by this spot of turmoil? How many lives were saved in Iraq?

Posted: Sat - December 23, 2006 at 05:40 AM