Dumb criminal trick: winter version

It didn’t take long for officers to identify a suspect in the burglary of a government building Thursday, according to a police report. Right after it snowed.

In New Mexico, we don’t have the market cornered on stupid criminals. After all, it usually isn’t the brightest guy on the block who sets out to be a burglar. They’re everywhere.

It didn’t take long for officers to identify a suspect in the burglary of a government building Thursday, according to a police report.

All they had to do was follow a set of footprints in the 8-inch-deep snow leading from the crime scene to the spot where they ended, the report says. There, in the parking lot of a nearby apartment complex, they found Mark Mendoza, 31, sweeping snow off his truck, according to the report.

Mendoza refused to allow officers to search his apartment, so a state District Court judge signed a search warrant and police later found the missing computer in Mendoza’s closet, the report states.

Who would have thought that footprints were noticeable in the snow? Who?

Posted: Fri - December 22, 2006 at 05:56 AM