Regan fired by Murdoch - Round 2: Fired for anti-semitic remarks!

Relations between Rupert Murdoch and the woman who until recently was the darling of his book publishing empire have descended into open fighting, with News Corporation claiming that Judith Regan was sacked for making anti-semitic remarks and counterthreats from her of libel action.

Judith Regan [almost] published OJ’s book. Now, she’s out of a job! That’s how we headlined our last report on this media saga. Here’s the next installment:

Relations between Rupert Murdoch and the woman who until recently was the darling of his book publishing empire have descended into open fighting, with News Corporation claiming that Judith Regan was sacked for making anti-semitic remarks and counterthreats from her of libel action.

According to News Corporation’s spokesman, Andrew Butcher, Ms Regan accused Mr Jackson and three other prominent publishing figures of being a “Jewish cabal” that failed to support her. The other three were Jane Friedman, chief executive of HarperCollins, David Hirshey, the publisher’s executive editor, and Esther Newberg, a leading literary agent.

Mr Butcher told the Associated Press that Mr Jackson, who is Jewish, had taken notes of the conversation. He alleged Ms Regan went on to say: “Of all people, Jews should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie.”

Anyone here you’d love to work alongside?

Posted: Wed - December 20, 2006 at 08:48 AM