Pope on the pitch? Vatican may start soccer team

The Vatican may be the world’s smallest state, but it is thinking of mustering a soccer team that could compete with the world’s best, according to Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone.

The Vatican may be the world’s smallest state, but it is thinking of mustering a soccer team that could compete with the world’s best, according to Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone.

“I don’t rule out that in the future the Vatican could form a top soccer team of the level of Inter, Roma,” and other Serie A sides, Bertone was reported as saying in the Italian media.

The number two to Pope Benedict, a well-known soccer fan, recently said the Holy See could form “a magnificent team” by drawing on the hundreds of Brazilian students at its pontifical universities around the world.

Hey, the Pope has more money at hand than either Roman Abramovitz or Sheikh Mohammed. He could buy a hell of a team. “Heck” of a team?

Posted: Tue - December 19, 2006 at 06:53 AM