The Pentagon produces a guide to counter-insurgency

The US military has released a new manual on counter-insurgencies - its first guide on the topic for 20 years. The manual, which draws on lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan, underlines the need for troops to do more than fight.

The US military has released a new manual on counter-insurgencies - its first guide on the topic for 20 years. The manual, which draws on lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan, underlines the need for troops to do more than fight.

The US military says the 282-page manual [.pdf - over 12mb], which contains chapters on intelligence and ethics in war, fills “a doctrinal gap”.

A spokesman for the US Army’s institutes of military education said the manual “codifies a lot of what’s happening in the field already”.

Col Steve Boylan said it reflected the changing nature of war, which goes beyond traditional fighting into reconstruction and nation-building.

Uh-huh. You already know how effective the authors have been.

Posted: Sun - December 17, 2006 at 06:40 AM