Two states suspend executions — Time to end capital punishment?

The system of administering lethal injections in the United States has come under fire, with Florida halting executions as California ruled that its methods risked causing pain to death-row inmates.

There are alternative methods, of course.

The system of administering lethal injections in the United States has come under fire, with Florida halting executions as California ruled that its methods risked causing pain to death-row inmates.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush ordered Friday a suspension of all executions while a review of how lethal injections are carried out takes place following the agonising 34-minute death of an inmate earlier this week.

The decision came as a judge in California ruled that the state’s system for carrying out lethal injections — the most widely used method of execution in the US — was unconstitutional.

A significant chunk of the industrial West has disallowed capital punishment. The American electorate wavers forth-and-back from decade to decade. Is it time for solid judicial leadership?

Posted: Sat - December 16, 2006 at 09:52 AM