Canada upholds gay marriage

Canadian MPs have rejected a proposal by the governing Conservative party to overturn a law allowing gay marriage.

Canadian MPs have rejected a proposal by the governing Conservative party to overturn a law allowing gay marriage.

Twelve Conservative MPs, including several members of the cabinet, joined Liberals and Canada’s other opposition parties to defeat the motion 175-123.

During his successful election campaign earlier this year, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised to bring the law back before parliament.

After a debate that began with few MPs in the chamber, Mr Harper conceded that the issue was unlikely to come back before the Canadian parliament.

“The vote was decisive and obviously we will accept the democratic resolve of the people’s representatives,” he said.

Golly gee. An English-speaking country where dividing the electorate along “moral” fault-lines isn’t considered a requirement for holding public office?

Posted: Fri - December 8, 2006 at 08:26 AM