Town Council votes tonight on arming all households!

A tiny town in western Pennsylvania could ask all of its residents to own guns, if a proposal under consideration on Wednesday wins approval from local officials.

Getting ready to go fishing in Western PA

A tiny town in western Pennsylvania could ask all of its residents to own guns, if a proposal under consideration on Wednesday wins approval from local officials.

Under the proposed law, residents of Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania, would be asked to own guns and know how to use them. Cherry Tree, some 70 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, has about 400 residents.

Introduced last month by resident Henry Statkowski, the measure recommends that “all heads of households maintain a firearm along with ammunition.”

In written comments, Statkowski said homeowners have a right and a responsibility to defend against intruders rather than calling police and waiting for help to arrive.

The measure would send a message to “burglars, ne’er-do-wells and other criminal elements.”

Aaron Fry, owner of the Cherry Tree Cafe, said he did not understand why the measure was necessary — because guns are common. “Every house has a couple of guns,” he said.

But, do they have enough ammo?

Update: City Council voted 6 - 1 against the proposal.

Posted: Thu - December 7, 2006 at 12:59 PM