High-rise home-grown!

A Canadian police search for marijuana grow operations mushroomed as officers discovered 22 units in a Toronto high rise were being used to cultivate the illegal drug, four times more than expected.

A Canadian police search for marijuana grow operations mushroomed as officers discovered 22 units in a Toronto high rise were being used to cultivate the illegal drug, four times more than expected.

“It was quite shocking to us that there would be (22) in one particular apartment building,” Toronto police Det. Sgt. David Malcolm told a news conference on Friday.

Police found over 6,000 marijuana plants worth an estimated street value of over C$6.0 million ($5.31 million) scattered throughout the 22 apartments in the north Toronto building.

Media reports said police were originally alerted to the marijuana operations last April when a fire broke out in one of the units. Malcolm declined to specify what tipped off police.

Uh, maybe they got a hint when the firemen began calling for backup munchies?

Posted: Sat - November 25, 2006 at 05:26 AM