Priest busted with kid porn pix

A popular Long Island priest was arrested yesterday on child pornography charges after investigators raided a church rectory and found his computer packed with dirty pictures.

Welcome to West Babylon

A popular Long Island priest was arrested yesterday on child pornography charges after investigators raided a church rectory and found his computer packed with dirty pictures.

Authorities said the Rev. Thomas Saloy tried to kill himself earlier this week after the FBI discovered 1,300 still photographs and video clips of children engaged in sexually explicit activities.

The frail-looking 45-year-old pleaded not guilty yesterday in a federal court in Central Islip to criminal charges that could put him in prison for 10 years.

Federal Magistrate Michael Orenstein ordered Saloy held in a hospital psychiatric ward.

Saloy came to the attention of authorities recently after a kiddie-porn peddler was busted in Milwaukee. Agents traced e-mail messages to Saloy’s AOL account, according to a criminal complaint.

He allegedly trolled for teen boys in Internet chat rooms called Gayfathers and Dudes4dudes, seeking sexually explicit images, and admitted he “went online posing as a 15-year-old boy to engage other 15-year-old boys in sexual chats,” the complaint states.

The diocese, which has 1.5 million Catholics, was one of the centers of the priest-abuse scandal in the U.S. A grand jury in 2003 found dozens of priests allegedly abused children across Long Island, but no indictments were handed down because the statutes of limitations had expired long ago.

It seems to me — maybe some other folks as well — that putting your own house in order is required before you spend time and energy and money organizing the morality of the world.

Posted: Sat - November 18, 2006 at 03:04 PM