‘Nurse in’ amazes mother

An Española mother expressed gratitude after learning that about 30 parents and their children sat in front of an Vermont airline counter Wednesday to protest her getting kicked off an airplane last month for breast-feeding her child.

Photo by Amiran White/The NEW MEXICAN

An Española mother expressed gratitude after learning that about 30 parents and their children sat in front of an Vermont airline counter Wednesday to protest her getting kicked off an airplane last month for breast-feeding her child.

Mothers breast-fed their children and held up signs during the airport “nurse-in” in South Burlington, Vt.

Emily Gillette, 27, had complained that she was kicked off an airplane because she was nursing her 23-month-old daughter, River, on Oct. 13.

The thought of women protesting in Gillette’s honor brought tears to her eyes, she said from her home Wednesday. “I’m amazed,” she said. “I’m totally touched.”

One of the Vermont mothers, Lora McAllister, said, “I just think it’s unbelievable that it happened in 2006, especially in Vermont. It’s kind of mind-boggling.”

“[The flight attendant] actually said I was offending her,” Gillette said of the flight attendant who asked her to cover up.

Gillette said she hopes the claim she filed will force the airline to train its staff to deal with mothers who are breast feeding. “They need to train their flight attendants to tell them to leave breast-feeding mothers alone,” she said.

I would add — instruct all the officious, small-minded twerps of the world to stop interfering with people in general. Keep your hangups to yourself.

Posted: Thu - November 16, 2006 at 07:08 AM