‘Taliban law’ passed in Pakistan — Morality Police Recruited

Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has passed a bill setting up a Taliban-style department under a cleric to enforce Islamic morality.

Why are these men smiling?

Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has passed a bill setting up a Taliban-style department under a cleric to enforce Islamic morality.

It gives the new department the power to use the police and media for the promotion of Islamic values.

The NWFP is governed by an alliance of religious parties, the MMA, that is sympathetic to the Taliban.

It has already introduced measures such as the banning of music on public transport.

Opposition MPs wore black armbands and staged a walkout from the assembly, saying their proposed changes to the law had been ignored.

The Hisba (Accountability) bill was passed in the NWFP assembly by a majority of 66 to 30.

The department will not now have its own police force. It will, however, be able to requisition police “to promote virtue and prevent vice”.

Does anyone have a boatload of confidence in Morality Police? Aren’t these the same a-holes who were throwing acid in women’s faces if they were uncovered? Apparently this sort of thing is not uncommon even in Bangladesh.

Posted: Tue - November 14, 2006 at 05:32 AM