Hospital plans to set up baby hatch

A Japanese hospital plans to set up the country’s first “baby hatch” where mothers can drop off unwanted babies, who could then be offered for adoption.

A Japanese hospital plans to set up the country’s first “baby hatch” where mothers can drop off unwanted babies, who could then be offered for adoption.

Jikei Hospital in southern Japan said it plans to install what it is calling a “stork’s cradle,” consisting of a flap in an outside wall which opens on to a small incubated bed.

An alarm bell would ring within minutes after a baby was deposited so hospital staff could come and care for the infant.

“By installing the hatch, we want to rescue both parents and babies,” said a hospital official. “Maybe there are some people who are suspicious about it, but we should not pretend not to see them and let them die. Babies are innocent.”

Adoptions are relatively rare in Japan, while there is little resistance on religious grounds to abortions.

Maybe they could try this at some of the Christian hospitals in the U.S., too. Working on a project like this might keep the “pro-life” crowd away from all those anti-war demonstrations they organize.

Posted: Thu - November 9, 2006 at 09:17 AM