Rumsfeld gone, too!

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, a key target of Iraq war critics, is stepping down, Republican officials said on Wednesday.

Good Riddance!

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, a key target of Iraq war critics, is stepping down, Republican officials said on Wednesday.

Former CIA Director Robert Gates will replace him, Republican officials said.

Earlier today, a spokesman for Rumsfeld said he’d given no indication that he would step down in the wake of Democratic election gains. The spokesman said Rumsfeld would work with Congress on Iraq but added that the focus on stabilizing the country will remain the same.

No doubt, Republikans, Rove and Bush, will try to buffalo Americans into thinking this will lead to a change in policies in the White House. At best -- this reflects a tactical shift in preparation for the 2008 elections. These thugs would like to be accepted as bi-partisan, once again.

The people who believed that -- last time -- will probably be fooled, again.

Posted: Wed - November 8, 2006 at 11:21 AM