Republicans squash free flu shots to lure voters. Too many Seniors and Democrats were voting.

Voting is good. Flu shots are good. But mix them together in the middle of a hard-fought election season and politics takes over.

Voting is good. Flu shots are good. But mix them together in the middle of a hard-fought election season and politics takes over.

Mayor Bill White ordered a halt Wednesday to the city health department’s privately funded drive to offer flu vaccinations at early voting sites in predominantly Hispanic and black neighborhoods, amid conservative criticism that the effort would boost Democratic turnout.

About 1,300 flu shots were given to people age 50 or older in the past three days under the program, which didn’t require the recipients to vote. Health officials said they were only trying to reach people in medically underserved communities.

White defended the program Wednesday but said he decided to abandon it to avoid the perception that it was an attempt to draw certain voters to the polls.

“There was no political motive whatsoever to do it,” he told reporters after the City Council meeting. “I don’t want to have to spend more money in defending a baseless lawsuit than we’re giving away in vaccine or allow anybody to question the integrity of the political process.”

Texas Republikans and tame judges have already gerrymandered the election beyond reason. I guess any collateral attempt to aid senior citizens still worries them.

Posted: Thu - November 2, 2006 at 08:44 AM