Online terrorism course is sold out

Security professionals from around the world have snapped up places on a Scottish university’s pioneering new terrorism course, which went live on Monday via the Internet.

Redneck anti-terrorist training

Security professionals from around the world have snapped up places on a Scottish university’s pioneering new terrorism course, which went live on Monday via the Internet.

Organizers said some 140 people have so far signed up for the University of St Andrews’ Web-based “Certificate in Terrorism Studies”, with about half starting on Monday and bookings now running into 2007.

“A lot of the training they undergo is very operational — which bag to open, and so on. What they would like deepened is their background understanding of what these (terrorist) movements are about — the modus operandi, the philosophy,” said Oliver Gadsby of publishing and training group Informa Plc, which launched the new course in collaboration with St Andrews.

Participants have the chance to contact leading academics and each other, although Gadsby said it was possible some would not want to disclose their real names.

Another one of those heartwarming tales from the wonderful world of profiteers and panderers to the ideologues of fear.

Posted: Wed - November 1, 2006 at 08:02 AM