Where’s the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? Monopoly which has their online royalties doesn’t know!

Where is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? For years, it seemed as if SoundExchange, the nonprofit organization that handles royalty payments for musicians whose work is streamed over the Internet and broadcast on satellite radio networks, did not know.

Where is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir?

For years, it seemed as if SoundExchange, the nonprofit organization that handles royalty payments for musicians whose work is streamed over the Internet and broadcast on satellite radio networks, did not know.

The group insists that it tried hard to find the choir and about 9,000 other artists who still had not been paid.

Critics say SoundExchange has sat on its hands. Who, they ask, does not know that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is in Utah? And how hard can it be to find the Olsen twins?

Fred Wilhelms, a lawyer who helps musicians with royalty payments, accused SoundExchange of moving slowly on purpose.

“What happens to the money they can’t pay because they can’t find the person to pay?” he asked. “They get to keep it themselves. Nothing succeeds like failure.”

For SoundExchange, the timing of the negative attention could not be worse. It is fighting before the Library of Congress to remain the sole distributor of the royalties.

The first thing that always comes to mind about “non-profits” like this is — how much money gets set aside for so-called operating expenses — and how large are the salaries for the self-important execs at the top?

Posted: Sun - October 29, 2006 at 09:32 AM