Michigan comes down on the side of science — in science class

The Michigan State Board of Education on Tuesday approved public school curriculum guidelines that support the teaching of evolution in science classes — but not intelligent design.

Legos make a reasonable tabernacle

The State Board of Education on Tuesday approved public school curriculum guidelines that support the teaching of evolution in science classes — but not intelligent design.

Intelligent design instruction could be left for other classes in Michigan schools, but it doesn’t belong in science class, according to the unanimously adopted guidelines.

Intelligent design has also become an issue in the Michigan governor’s race.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Dick DeVos, a conservative Christian, said last month that he approves of intelligent design being taught along with evolution in science classes, though he said the decision should be left up to local school districts.

Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who is Roman Catholic, said Michigan schools need to teach evolution in science classes and not include intelligent design. She said school districts can explore intelligent design in current events or comparative religions classes.

I think those of us who accept the wholly writings of the Fying Spaghetti Monster should have an equal opportunity to present our case in Michigan’s religion schools.

Posted: Wed - October 11, 2006 at 06:25 AM