Over 20,000 American Troops Injured In Iraq

Since the beginning of this month, U.S. casualties in the war have passed another grim benchmark: More than 20,000 U.S. troops have now been wounded while serving in Iraq.

Anyone giving odds on what Americans will consider prime to this autumn’s mid-term election?

The trends in U.S. casualties suffered in Iraq through August continued into September. The rate at which U.S. troops were being killed continued to slowly fall, but the rate at which injuries were suffered, including serious ones, continued to rise. And since the beginning of this month, U.S. casualties in the war have passed another grim benchmark: More than 20,000 U.S. troops have now been wounded while serving in Iraq.

The total number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq through Tuesday, Sep 18, since the start of operations to topple Saddam Hussein on March 19, 2003, was 2,678, according to official figures issued by the U.S. Department of Defense. Therefore, 33 U.S. soldiers were killed during the 18-day period from Sept, 1 through Sep 18 at an average rate of 1.77 per day.

As of Sep 18, 20,113 U.S. soldiers have been injured in Iraq since the start of hostilities.

Should we blame the education system — since we don’t do math any better than we do politics? And no one in government ever seems to be accountable.

Posted: Tue - September 19, 2006 at 08:02 AM