Russian Duma Rejects Madonna Space Holiday

Russia’s parliament voted Wednesday against a motion to send the celebrated US singer, actress and children’s book author Madonna to the International Space Station.

Russia’s parliament voted Wednesday against a motion to send the celebrated US singer, actress and children’s book author Madonna to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2008. Alexei Mitrofanov, a member of the Duma (the lower house of parliament) for the ultra-nationalist LDPR party, had said the trip would be “a great event to organise in the same year as elections in the United States and Russia.”

He said the star, who gave a concert in Moscow on Tuesday, had “expressed a desire to go into space and board the ISS.”

Mitrofanov put the idea before a plenary session of parliament, asking it to vote on whether Russia’s space agency should look into the feasibility of a Madonna space flight.

Forty two legislators backed the idea but 252 voted against, so the motion was not passed.

Obviously, Russia’s dipshit politicians can figure out how to waste time as well as our own dipshit politicians.

Can we vote to send her somewhere else?

Posted: Thu - September 14, 2006 at 11:14 AM