EU demands that Bush reveal secret prison locations

Lawmakers at the European Parliament on Thursday demanded the United States name the locations of secret CIA prisons after U.S. President George W. Bush disclosed that terror suspects have been held at overseas facilities.”

Lawmakers at the European Parliament on Thursday demanded the United States name the locations of secret CIA prisons after U.S. President George W. Bush disclosed that terror suspects have been held at overseas facilities.”

The location of these prison camps must be made public,” said German Socialist Wolfgang Kreissl-Doerfler…”We need to know if there has been any complicity in illegal acts by governments of EU countries or states seeking EU membership.”

The EU parliament’s investigation’s deputy leader, British Liberal Democrat Sarah Ludford, said Bush’s admission “exposes not only his own previous lies. He also exposes to ridicule those arrogant government leaders in Europe who dismissed as unfounded our fears about extraordinary rendition.”

The allegations that the CIA held and interrogated terror suspects at Soviet-era compounds in Eastern Europe and transported them through European territory in breach of human rights treaties were first reported last year.

“Kidnapping people and torturing them in secret, however tempting the short-term gain may appear to be, is what criminals do, not democratic governments,” said Rene van der Linden, president of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly, which conducted the investigation.

“In the long term, such practices create more terrorists and undermine the values we are fighting for,” he said.

Our government continues to set new lows for lying — followed by admitting the lies — followed by rationales for the lies — and usually followed by Congress making the lies legal.

Is this carousel of corruption and crime what we all want to continue as the “American Way”?

Posted: Thu - September 7, 2006 at 07:47 AM