FBI raids Alaska lawmakers, including son of Clueless!

The offices of at least six Alaska legislators, including the son of Sen. Ted Stevens, were raided by federal agents searching for possible ties between the lawmakers and a large oil field services company, officials and aides said.

The offices of at least six Alaska legislators, including the son of Sen. Ted Stevens, were raided by federal agents searching for possible ties between the lawmakers and a large oil field services company, officials and aides said.

Tam Cook, the Legislature’s top attorney, said the company named in the search warrant was VECO Corp., an Anchorage-based oil field services and construction company whose executives are major contributors to political campaigns.

Among the offices searched was that of Republican Senate President Ben Stevens, the son of Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska.

Agents left Stevens’ Capitol office Thursday evening with 12 boxes of documents labeled “Evidence” and loaded them into a vehicle.

Two legislative aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because federal agents told them not to talk to reporters, said the FBI agents were looking for any ties including financial information and gifts.

We all realize that no state has the market cornered on corruption and sleaze. Though, it surely looks like Alaska is trying hard for the title.

Posted: Fri - September 1, 2006 at 01:04 PM