“We will not be silent” — unless flying in the US

An architect of Iraqi descent has said he was forced to remove a T-shirt that bore the words “We will not be silent” before boarding a flight at New York.

An architect of Iraqi descent has said he was forced to remove a T-shirt that bore the words “We will not be silent” before boarding a flight at New York.

Raed Jarrar said security officials warned him his clothing was offensive after he checked in for a JetBlue flight to California on 12 August.

Mr Jarrar said he was shocked such an action could be taken in the US.

Mr Jarrar’s black cotton T-shirt bore the slogan in both Arabic and English.

Mr Jarrar said he was told a number of passengers had complained about his T-shirt - apparently concerned at what the Arabic phrase meant - and [TSA reps] asked him to remove it.

“We Will Not Be Silent” is a slogan adopted by opponents of the war in Iraq and other conflicts in the Middle East.

It derives from the White Rose dissident group which opposed Nazi rule in Germany.

Yet another incident that fits in concisely with the history of people fighting for free speech — and how it is suppressed by those who fear civil liberties, those who willingly collaborate with fearmongers.

Posted: Wed - August 30, 2006 at 07:04 AM